Friday, September 06, 2013

Al Kitab

Hello freax

then i finally did a book with silkscreen printing of my stuff
most of it is scrapboard with some pen drawings, i put here all my best (i hope so) made these past 2-3 years (which is not a lot actually) & try to make it coherent (so it's all about kind of apocalyptic landscapes)

some of these drawings have been published in various zines : hopital brut, excessive voyeurisme, vomitorium & popper magazine

now i'm working on a new book in the same way with Zeke, which is gonna be amazing!

it's printed on black, red & white paper, with opposite colors, not a lot as i prefer doing well simple than too much colors badly. Cover is 3 color including gold

you can see more pictures here :


Gaspard Pitiot said...

Chouette. Kitaabun (livre)... Keep me one if you want to trade once more, I'm currently making two books. A zine with Cotoreich and a book with poetry, comics and drawings.

alkbazz said...

thanx, i'll keep one aside, but i don't think they'll go quickly!

Gaspard Pitiot said...

Je ferais bien pour Alkom'X des nouveaux dessins avec Eric sur le thème de la haine mais comme il est parti en romance peut être me faudrait-il un délais d'une ou deux semaines pour les envoyer. C'est possible ? Je pense aussi à une BD de moi déjà publiée ailleurs mais assez forte pour l'être deux fois... (Chouette que tu fasses un livre pour Zeke! )

alkbazz said...

for alkom'x deadline is end september, but i wont be able to work on it before october_ donc, fin premiere semaine octobre ça irait?

Gaspard Pitiot said...

OK. Je suis très occupé en ce moment mais un de ces quatre il faudra qu'on essaie de faire des dessins à deux et que je repense au fait de faire un zine pour ton édition... Toi tu es vers Marseille je ne me trompe pas ?

Tony Burhouse said...

Sick!! Looking forward to seeing these books from both of you

alkbazz said...

yep yep yep! i'm happy to make collab on drawing, as we do with Tony, but don't be in a hurry! well, i'm confused about that because i have to send drawings to Tony but when i did go to the post office i saw they're closed for 2 months! so now it's worse than ever & my delay have to be counted per months :/

Gaspard Pitiot said...

No rush, I'm very busy right now. May be in two or three months?
Can't you just go to another post office? (chuckles...snot... snot... gnac! gnac! chuckles....)
See ya

alkbazz said...

closest one in 5km, but very small so i can't send everything, then next one is 25km... Beside that, i'm working daytime, and you know french post...